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Cascina Briavacca recovery plan / Rodano (Milan)

Stato Concept

Anno 2012

Cliente Immobiliare Passerella srl

Design Sagnelli Associati

The area in question is part of a purely agricultural context which is part of the South Milan Agricultural Park. The project involved the construction of residential units and a restaurant.

The project objective was the recovery of the farmhouse through a plan that provided for the restoration of almost all parts of the plant, in order to enhance an artifact which in itself has great historical, economic and cultural value.

The binding prescriptive elements under the planivolumetric and architectural profile, in order to allow the achievement of the objectives of the intervention, were the maintenance of:

The farmhouse is part of an area that is still predominantly agricultural, and for this reason it was essential to protect the surrounding landscape without changing the morphology of the places.