The architecture and urban planning studio Sagnelli Associati was born in 1993 by Marco Maria Sagnelli.
It includes 2 partners, a secretarial and administration office and numerous internal collaborators, as well as freelancers.
It deals with drawing up integrated and multidisciplinary projects, coordinating all the specialist figures involved from the beginning of the project to the conclusion of the construction phase of the work.
To date, Sagnelli Associati has successfully drafted and completed over 100 projects.
The design activity focuses on making an organic synthesis with respect to the different requests coming from the working group, with the desire to pursue consistency in the method and expression of projects regardless of their discipline. All this, considering as a priority the context in which it operates and the objectives to be achieved in agreement with the Customers.
Environmental sustainability, the materials chosen, technological collaboration with innovative industries, the optimization of processes and choices, are all elements taken into consideration by the studio to carry out projects in step with the contemporary.
For the firm's clients, public and private, professional services are carried out that cover the entire life cycle of a work with the aim of harmonizing the creative and design aspects with the financial, administrative, legal, economic ones, commercial and technical (architecture, structures, systems), in compliance with the times.
For some time now, the firm has also included an entrepreneurial section to the activity described above, aimed at the realization of residential real estate initiatives on its own.