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Residential tower building / Milan

Stato Built

Anno 2022

Cliente Lam r.e. srl

Design Sagnelli Associati

The new residential tower building built in Milan envisaged the construction of all the apartments in high performance energy class (A3) with particularly rewarding dry construction solutions for achieving this goal. The project is based on the desire to use the condominium staircase as an element of compositional recognition, even bringing it to the main facade (an unusual choice in Milan, where the condominium stairs have always been located in the secondary elevations) to separate the two parts of the building and thus giving even more vertical momentum to the reading of the facade. Going up the condominium staircase, from top to bottom, you have the idea of ​​walking inside the Trenno park opposite. Rational and functional plant solutions and attention to many details have completed a successful entrepreneurial program with satisfaction.

Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress